Note: This therapy services review was written for and published on in September 2023. However, due to website changes beyond my control, it is no longer available on the site… But the internet gods allowed me to find it in its entirety, so I am re-posting it here . Enjoy! Growing Self made couples therapy…
Tag: mental health
Let me get real honest about my struggles with mental health lately
Please subscribe to my newsletter: Self-Care For Writers. I read somewhere once that, when you break, you don’t quite get put back together the same again. The Japanese art of kintsugi repairs those broken pieces with gold but, to be honest, I’ve never really felt like my scars were majestic parts of myself to show off. Instead,…
The Robin Williams (Anthony Bourdain) Tragedy Affects Us All
Note: This is a story that was written for and published on in August 2014. However, the site has since shut down and my story has disappeared… But the internet gods allowed me to find it in its entirety, so I am re-posting it here since a) I feel very strongly about this topic & b) this…
How this night owl is going to attempt to become a morning lark
Please subscribe to my newsletter: Self-Care For Writers. I spent a good amount of time last night researching ways to become a morning lark instead of the night owl I naturally am. And today, despite going to bed later than I planned to, I am up again at 6 am, trying to form a habit that I…
How moving out of NYC was great for my mental health
Please subscribe to my newsletter to get writing news and updates. When I was younger and growing up in Southwest Florida, I got it in my head that I wanted to live in a big city because I was SO very bored with my life back then. I set my sights on New York City (the biggest…