Please subscribe to my newsletter: Self-Care For Writers. Well, remember how my June was pretty good and my July was even better? August, unfortunately, pales in comparison. In fact, it’s officially one of my worst months of the year — and that’s all because of the house that my husband and I just bought. Now, I don’t want…
December Writer’s Life: How much I made & wrote in 2017 during the #yearofwriting
Please subscribe to my newsletter to get writing news and updates. Well, here we are. It’s the end of my #yearofwriting and I have some hefty writing goals to live up to. I’ll get into more of that later in this post, but first I just wanted to talk about December. What happened in December? Well, for…
June Writer’s Life: My GLAMOUR piece and Q2/YTD totals [#yearofwriting]
Please subscribe to my newsletter to get writing news and updates. So it’s officially been 6 months since I started my #yearofwriting challenge. It’s been a really interesting road since then. At the beginning, I hired a writing coach to reach the next level of my career and ended up spending a lot of time pitching new stories. In…