Food & Fiestas
10 Latinized dishes for a perfect Thanksgiving Day menu! (RECIPES)
Latin ingredient of the week: Try coconut oil for the healthiest frying ever!
How to properly carve a turkey (VIDEO)
Latin pumpkin pie + 4 More great fall pie recipes
Have a Thanksgiving Day laugh while learning about holiday etiquette (VIDEO)
6 Latin recipes for that leftover turkey!
5 Fall salads with a Latin twist to help you lose weight! (RECIPES)
Latin slow cooker: Chili chicken tacos (RECIPE)
Health & FItness
Real-life Sleeping Beauty slept for 64 days straight, missed Thanksgiving & Christmas! (VIDEO)
6 Tips to keep you from going overboard on Thanksgiving
5 Ways to burn calories (and have fun!) with the entire family over the holidays
5 Ways to get to the gym even when you’re too tired
Love & Sex
Sex could be the key to happiness, not your kid
What men REALLY want is actually quite shocking!
Man who injected penis with olive oil to make it bigger has to live without one now
The best positions to enjoy your man going DOWN THERE!
In The News
Mom keeps dead husband home for 3 years & makes kids “feed” him
Thanksgiving: 6 Simple & quick decorations for the table! (DIY)
My big, fat multicultural Thanksgiving!
How to pick the perfect Christmas tree (VIDEOS)
5 Simple Christmas crafts to decorate the tree! (DIY)
25 Christmas decorations for under $25
Weird new iPhone app encourages teens to sext racy photos
Shopping on Black Friday is the worst idea, EVER!