Please subscribe to my newsletter: Self-Care For Writers. Well, where should I start with my April blog post? Let’s see… Oh right! I had a major thing happen this month: I finally got shoulder surgery after my 15th dislocation last fall. That’s right, since I turned 18 years old, I have dislocated my shoulder a whopping 15…
Category: Health
Why I’m glad I dislocated my shoulder for the 15th time
Please subscribe to my newsletter: Self-Care For Writers. Last October, I was taking an aerial yoga class when I dislocated my shoulder for the 15th time. Picture this: I was lying on the floor with my butt in the air and my thighs floating in one of those silk things. My back and shoulders were on the…
How this night owl is going to attempt to become a morning lark
Please subscribe to my newsletter: Self-Care For Writers. I spent a good amount of time last night researching ways to become a morning lark instead of the night owl I naturally am. And today, despite going to bed later than I planned to, I am up again at 6 am, trying to form a habit that I…
How moving out of NYC was great for my mental health
Please subscribe to my newsletter to get writing news and updates. When I was younger and growing up in Southwest Florida, I got it in my head that I wanted to live in a big city because I was SO very bored with my life back then. I set my sights on New York City (the biggest…
On writers… and our middle-of-the-night insomnia
Please subscribe to my newsletter to get writing news and updates. Writers all have those nights, don’t we? I know I do. It starts out innocently enough. I get up to go to the bathroom. I quickly check my phone. Then something happens in my brain… and I can’t seem to turn it off. I’m writing this…